Saturday, April 11, 2009

Play GUI Prototype

Just some user interface for players I'm working on. Fail half-demon thing there i need to redo, but ill just make an entirely new monster... stick the top of it there and it'll be all okay... wish i could just draw it all by hand and then shade it... it'd look better... i did draw this out prior to making it.

I may need some changes to allow for animation in User Interface; I would like to animate the liquid (life and energy or w/e). I believe there is a change we can have implemented; how difficult it would be I'm not sure of, 1.8 is the version with all the changes to GFX so I doubt it'd be that much trouble. I believe Will put it into 1.8.1 anyhow.

I'll be working on models again, as usual; and id like to implement this directly, once it is done.

:) Nick


  1. As I was trying to say before I lost the internet:
    Cool. I see what you mean about the demon-thing though, you could just change it slightly so it's not actually a demon but just some sorta spikey thing.
