Monday, May 25, 2009

Statistics & Classes System: Update

After a review today with Brett, and the Silent Will; I believe he was busy. I'm going to remodel the classes and condition the scale of stats:level, currently.. they're pretty much broken!

Since the last post/comment/update on this:
  • Added in toggle GUI function
  • Limited decimals on all shown values
  • Cleaned damage display messages
  • Tweaked giveXP function
I will update with comments from here on.


  1. I need to know *which* datablock type I will be using for this player to inherit from. I suppose the PlayerData(PlayerBody).

    I will try to work things out.

    I hope I can alter these values in gameplay.

  2. Attempt to create a datablock-based class system failed as we have no functions to access the variables within.

    This, if it is to be implemented this way, needs more thought.

  3. Now shows all bonuses, including the actual damage range that you can hit for with melee attacks. Support will be added or planned, for AFK spells. The tooltips will show calculations including player's statistics.
