Monday, May 18, 2009


Cathy and i have been working through the design and implementation of the Web Server.

For the past weeks its all been revolving around the design aspect of the website. We have a good template that we are modifying to suit the style we feel will make the game appealing and attractive but most of all professional. Post on the design will be up soon.

Next on the agenda is to find possible scripts that will allow features desired by the Programmers such as the webshop, player ranking and server status updates to be intergrated with the design.

over the past couple of week i've been trying 2 investigate different sites that provide free php scripts such as
Scripts for logining in to user stats
Displaying game server info on the website

now it comes down to working with the programmers to see if they can help utilise the scripts found and to link them to a database.

Ultimately, we seem to be on track but we now need to come together to create the final preperation. With the help of Jasons initial Network Design, i have touched it with love and given it a Visio facelift, and now with the team coming together every1 will be able to input their findings, knowledge and love to produce the required final outcome, a great Powerpoint presentation and a documentation to back it up :P

thanks for reading

hope this makes up for the weeks i've missed out on blogging...
ciao 4 now

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good, I'll be happy to help however possible. Oh and nice presentation too.
